Currently the author tries to unravel a bit Data and Facts About Tasikmalaya.
Tasikmalaya city officially became the City of Tasikmalaya on the basis of Government Regulation No. 22 of 1976. Administrative First Mayor at that time were Drs. H. Oman Roosman appointed by the Governor of West Java, H. Aang Kunaefi.
At the beginning of its formation, the area of the City of Tasikmalaya only includes 3 sub-district is Cipedes, Cihideung, and Tawang the number of villages (now village) as many as 13 villages.
Furthermore, the formation of Tasikmalaya City government as autonomous local government stipulated by Act No. 10 of 2001, together with other cities, namely the city of Lhokseumawe, Langsa, City of Mulberry, Prabumulih, Lubuk Linggau, Pagar Alam, Tanjung Pinang , Cimahi, Batu, Singkawang, and Bau-Bau.
On October 18, 2001, Drs. Rev. H. Suradiharja inducted into the Acting Mayor of Tasikmalaya by the Governor of West Java held at Gedung Sate Bandung.
Furthermore, through Decree No. 133 of 2001, dated December 13, 2001 General Election Commission formed a Committee of the House of Representatives Charging Membership Tasikmalaya (KDP-parliament), and the subsequent appointment of Tasikmalaya City Council members passed through West Java Governor Decree, No. 171 / Kep.380 / Dekon / 2002, dated April 26, 2002, that on 30 April 2002 membership Tasikmalaya City Council first unveiled. Then on November 14, 2002, Drs. H. Bubun Bunyamin sworn in as mayor of Tasikmalaya, as a result of the stages of the electoral process carried out by the legislature.
Here is the order of the incumbent Mayor of Administrative Tasikmalaya, from the formation of the City of until now:
1. Oman Roesman (1976-1985)
2. Yeng Ds. Partawinata (1985-1989)
3. R. Y. Revelation (1989-1992)
4. Erdhi Hardhiana (1992-1999)
5. Bubun Bunyamin (1999-2007)
6. Syarif Hidayat (2007-2012)
7. Drs. Budi H. Budiman (2012-2017)
Tasikmalaya city has boundaries:
a. north is bordered by District and Sub-District Cisayong Sukaratu
Tasikmalaya District, District and Sub-District Cihaurbeuti Cikoneng District
b. east by the Subdistrict Manonjaya Tasikmalaya District;
c. south by sub-district and sub-district Jatiwaras Talbot
Tasikmalaya District; and
d. west by the District of Singaparna, District Sukarame, and
Subdistrict Talbot Tasikmalaya District.
Tasikmalaya City District
Map District in Tasikmalaya
Furthermore, in accordance with Law No. 10 of 2001 that the city of Tasikmalaya consists of 8 districts with a number of sub-districts and villages as much as 15 by 54, then by Regulation (Regulation) No. 30 of 2003 concerning the change of status of the village into villages, villages in the city government changed its status to Tasikmalaya village, the village amount to as much as 69 villages, further districts in the city of Tasikmalaya bloomed again so into ten districts.
District of Bungursari
List the name of the Village in district Bungursari which has 69 RW, 250 RT:
- Village Bantarsari 14 RW 51 RT (Code: 46151)
- Village Bungursari 9 RW 34 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Cibunigeulis 8 RW 32 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Sukajaya 9 RW 29 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Sukalaksana 11 RW 28 RT(Code: 46151)
- Village Sukamulya 8 RW 31 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Sukarindik 10 RW 45 RT (Code: 46151)
District of Cibeureum
List the name of the village in the district Cibeureum has 87 RW, 335 RT:
- Village Awipari 6 RW 30 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Ciakar 10 RW 43 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Kersanagara 11 RW 40 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Kotabaru 18 RW 77 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Margabakti 4 RW 19 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Setiajaya 9 RW 31 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Setianagara 7 RW 21 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Setiaratu 8 RW 30 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Ciherang 14 RW 44 RT (Code: 46 416)
District of Cihideung
List the name of the village in the district Cihideung has 68 RW, 350 RT:
- Village Yudanagara 9 RW 49 RT (Code: 46 121)
- Village Argasari 08 RW 58 RT (Code: 46 122)
- Village Cilembang 17 RW 75 RT (Code: 46 123)
- Village Nagarawangi 11 RW 45 RT (Code: 46124)
- Village Tuguraja 14 RW 72 RT (Code: 46 125)
- Village Tugujaya 09 RW 51 RT (Code: 46 126)
District of Cipedes
List the name of the village in the district Cipedes has 71 RW, 329 RT:
- Village Sukamanah 19 RW 93 RT (Code: 46131)
- Village Nagarasari 18 RW 82 RT (Code: 46 132)
- Village Cipedes 13 RW 68 RT (Code: 46 133)
- Village Panglayungan 21 RW 86 RT (Code: 46 134)
District of Indihiang
List the name of the village in Indihiang District has 65 RW, 273 RT:
- Village Indihiang 9 RW 43 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Parakannyasag 13 RW 50 RT (Code: 46151)
- Village Sirnagalih 8 RW 32 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Sukamajukaler 14 RW 60 RT (Code: 46151)
- Village Sukamajukidul 11 RW 50 RT (Code: 46151)
- Village Panyingkiran 10 RW 38 RT (Code: 46 411)
District of Kawalu
List the name of the village in the district Kawalu has 117 RW, 427 RT:
- Village Cibeuti 12 RW 42 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Cilamajang 12 RW 40 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Gununggede 15 RW 40 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Gunungtandala 12 RW 49 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Karanganyar 11 RW 44 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Karsamenak 21 RW 82 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Leuwiliang 7 RW 30 RT (ZIP: 46182)
- Village Talagasari 7 RW 25 RT (ZIP: 46182)
- Village Tanjung 8 RW 32 RT (ZIP: 46182)
- Village Urug 12 RW 43 RT (Code: 46182)
District of Mangkubumi
List names Mangkubumi village in District 88-RW, 406 RT:
- Village Cigantang 11 RW 45 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Cipari 10 RW 49 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Cipawitra 6 RW 35 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Karikil 9 RW 38 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Linggajaya 15 RW 72 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Mangkubumi 15 RW 70 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Sambongjaya 14 RW 70 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Sambongpari 8 RW 27 RT (Code: 46 181)
District of Purbaratu
List the name of the village in the district Purbaratu has 56 RW, 236 RT:
- Village Purbaratu 6 RW 27 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village shovel 9 RW 40 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sukaasih 8 RW 40 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sukajaya 9 RW 35 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sukamenak 10 RW 45 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sukanagara 14 RW 49 RT (Code: 46 196)
District of Tamansari
List the name of the village in the Castle District has 93 RW, 349 RT:
- Village Setiamulya 10 RW 37 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Setiawargi 17 RW 65 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sumelap 9 RW 26 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sukahurip 11 RW 42 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Castle 11 RW 41 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Tamanjaya 12 RW 46 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Mulyasari 15 RW 62 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Mugarsari 8 RW 30 RT (Code: 46 196)
District of Tawang
List the name of village in the district of Tawang 64 RW, 308 RT:
- Village Kahuripan 16 RW 92 RT (Code: 46 111)
- Village frigate 14 RW 56 RT (Code: 46 111)
- Village Empangsari 11 RW 44 RT(Code: 46 111)
- Village Tawangsari 11 RW 46 RT (Code: 46 111)
- Village Lengkongsari 12 RW 70 RT (Code: 46 111)
That Data and Facts About Tasikmalaya that can inform the author, may be useful.
Tasikmalaya city officially became the City of Tasikmalaya on the basis of Government Regulation No. 22 of 1976. Administrative First Mayor at that time were Drs. H. Oman Roosman appointed by the Governor of West Java, H. Aang Kunaefi.
At the beginning of its formation, the area of the City of Tasikmalaya only includes 3 sub-district is Cipedes, Cihideung, and Tawang the number of villages (now village) as many as 13 villages.
Furthermore, the formation of Tasikmalaya City government as autonomous local government stipulated by Act No. 10 of 2001, together with other cities, namely the city of Lhokseumawe, Langsa, City of Mulberry, Prabumulih, Lubuk Linggau, Pagar Alam, Tanjung Pinang , Cimahi, Batu, Singkawang, and Bau-Bau.
On October 18, 2001, Drs. Rev. H. Suradiharja inducted into the Acting Mayor of Tasikmalaya by the Governor of West Java held at Gedung Sate Bandung.
Furthermore, through Decree No. 133 of 2001, dated December 13, 2001 General Election Commission formed a Committee of the House of Representatives Charging Membership Tasikmalaya (KDP-parliament), and the subsequent appointment of Tasikmalaya City Council members passed through West Java Governor Decree, No. 171 / Kep.380 / Dekon / 2002, dated April 26, 2002, that on 30 April 2002 membership Tasikmalaya City Council first unveiled. Then on November 14, 2002, Drs. H. Bubun Bunyamin sworn in as mayor of Tasikmalaya, as a result of the stages of the electoral process carried out by the legislature.
Here is the order of the incumbent Mayor of Administrative Tasikmalaya, from the formation of the City of until now:
1. Oman Roesman (1976-1985)
2. Yeng Ds. Partawinata (1985-1989)
3. R. Y. Revelation (1989-1992)
4. Erdhi Hardhiana (1992-1999)
5. Bubun Bunyamin (1999-2007)
6. Syarif Hidayat (2007-2012)
7. Drs. Budi H. Budiman (2012-2017)
Tasikmalaya city has boundaries:
a. north is bordered by District and Sub-District Cisayong Sukaratu
Tasikmalaya District, District and Sub-District Cihaurbeuti Cikoneng District
b. east by the Subdistrict Manonjaya Tasikmalaya District;
c. south by sub-district and sub-district Jatiwaras Talbot
Tasikmalaya District; and
d. west by the District of Singaparna, District Sukarame, and
Subdistrict Talbot Tasikmalaya District.
Tasikmalaya City District
Map District in Tasikmalaya
Furthermore, in accordance with Law No. 10 of 2001 that the city of Tasikmalaya consists of 8 districts with a number of sub-districts and villages as much as 15 by 54, then by Regulation (Regulation) No. 30 of 2003 concerning the change of status of the village into villages, villages in the city government changed its status to Tasikmalaya village, the village amount to as much as 69 villages, further districts in the city of Tasikmalaya bloomed again so into ten districts.
District of Bungursari
List the name of the Village in district Bungursari which has 69 RW, 250 RT:
- Village Bantarsari 14 RW 51 RT (Code: 46151)
- Village Bungursari 9 RW 34 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Cibunigeulis 8 RW 32 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Sukajaya 9 RW 29 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Sukalaksana 11 RW 28 RT(Code: 46151)
- Village Sukamulya 8 RW 31 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Sukarindik 10 RW 45 RT (Code: 46151)
District of Cibeureum
List the name of the village in the district Cibeureum has 87 RW, 335 RT:
- Village Awipari 6 RW 30 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Ciakar 10 RW 43 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Kersanagara 11 RW 40 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Kotabaru 18 RW 77 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Margabakti 4 RW 19 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Setiajaya 9 RW 31 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Setianagara 7 RW 21 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Setiaratu 8 RW 30 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Ciherang 14 RW 44 RT (Code: 46 416)
District of Cihideung
List the name of the village in the district Cihideung has 68 RW, 350 RT:
- Village Yudanagara 9 RW 49 RT (Code: 46 121)
- Village Argasari 08 RW 58 RT (Code: 46 122)
- Village Cilembang 17 RW 75 RT (Code: 46 123)
- Village Nagarawangi 11 RW 45 RT (Code: 46124)
- Village Tuguraja 14 RW 72 RT (Code: 46 125)
- Village Tugujaya 09 RW 51 RT (Code: 46 126)
District of Cipedes
List the name of the village in the district Cipedes has 71 RW, 329 RT:
- Village Sukamanah 19 RW 93 RT (Code: 46131)
- Village Nagarasari 18 RW 82 RT (Code: 46 132)
- Village Cipedes 13 RW 68 RT (Code: 46 133)
- Village Panglayungan 21 RW 86 RT (Code: 46 134)
District of Indihiang
List the name of the village in Indihiang District has 65 RW, 273 RT:
- Village Indihiang 9 RW 43 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Parakannyasag 13 RW 50 RT (Code: 46151)
- Village Sirnagalih 8 RW 32 RT (ZIP: 46151)
- Village Sukamajukaler 14 RW 60 RT (Code: 46151)
- Village Sukamajukidul 11 RW 50 RT (Code: 46151)
- Village Panyingkiran 10 RW 38 RT (Code: 46 411)
District of Kawalu
List the name of the village in the district Kawalu has 117 RW, 427 RT:
- Village Cibeuti 12 RW 42 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Cilamajang 12 RW 40 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Gununggede 15 RW 40 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Gunungtandala 12 RW 49 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Karanganyar 11 RW 44 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Karsamenak 21 RW 82 RT (Code: 46182)
- Village Leuwiliang 7 RW 30 RT (ZIP: 46182)
- Village Talagasari 7 RW 25 RT (ZIP: 46182)
- Village Tanjung 8 RW 32 RT (ZIP: 46182)
- Village Urug 12 RW 43 RT (Code: 46182)
District of Mangkubumi
List names Mangkubumi village in District 88-RW, 406 RT:
- Village Cigantang 11 RW 45 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Cipari 10 RW 49 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Cipawitra 6 RW 35 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Karikil 9 RW 38 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Linggajaya 15 RW 72 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Mangkubumi 15 RW 70 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Sambongjaya 14 RW 70 RT (Code: 46 181)
- Village Sambongpari 8 RW 27 RT (Code: 46 181)
District of Purbaratu
List the name of the village in the district Purbaratu has 56 RW, 236 RT:
- Village Purbaratu 6 RW 27 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village shovel 9 RW 40 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sukaasih 8 RW 40 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sukajaya 9 RW 35 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sukamenak 10 RW 45 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sukanagara 14 RW 49 RT (Code: 46 196)
District of Tamansari
List the name of the village in the Castle District has 93 RW, 349 RT:
- Village Setiamulya 10 RW 37 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Setiawargi 17 RW 65 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sumelap 9 RW 26 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Sukahurip 11 RW 42 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Castle 11 RW 41 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Tamanjaya 12 RW 46 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Mulyasari 15 RW 62 RT (Code: 46 196)
- Village Mugarsari 8 RW 30 RT (Code: 46 196)
District of Tawang
List the name of village in the district of Tawang 64 RW, 308 RT:
- Village Kahuripan 16 RW 92 RT (Code: 46 111)
- Village frigate 14 RW 56 RT (Code: 46 111)
- Village Empangsari 11 RW 44 RT(Code: 46 111)
- Village Tawangsari 11 RW 46 RT (Code: 46 111)
- Village Lengkongsari 12 RW 70 RT (Code: 46 111)
That Data and Facts About Tasikmalaya that can inform the author, may be useful.